Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What Do You Get When You Get A Notification?

A fellow .com dating friend recently mused about the feeling you get when you get a notification of contact from someone, and how in the long run the feeling is usually more negative than positive.

I have to agree.

Every single time I would get a notification that someone was initiating contact I would think, "This isn't a drill! Make sure your seat-backs and tray tables are in their full and upright position, and let's DO THIS THING!" Then I'd proceed to view the initiators profile.
And, like my friend said, 9 times out of 10 there was just "something" missing.
You know what's the worst thing to have missing from a profile? A profile picture.
It's ridiculous really.
People who don't post a picture usually have some excuse that they aren't posting a picture because it forces people to be shallow; that people place too much merit on physical appearance.
I think people WITHOUT pictures are the real culprit of placing too much merit on physical appearance. Just post your picture already! If you don't have a picture, I guarantee I'm not delving any deeper into your profile.
Even if there IS a profile picture, 9 times out of 10 there is some unnamed "something" missing.
What's hard about all that though, is that there is no possible way you can fit yourself into an online dating profile. So 9 times out of 10, even if there was "something" missing, I'd respond to the contact, because maybe the missing "something" just didn't fit into their profile.

PS: Did anyone get the reference to my post title and the picture?

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